Many had hoped that a change in Prime Minister would bring better fortune for those of us that have an investment in the environment and the future of our planet, but it seems this isn’t the case thus far.
While the new Prime Minister faces an array of challenges from energy supply’s to sewage spills, she’s shown no ounce of dedication so far to tackling pressing environmental issues. This was also the case for Truss’s rival, Sunak. Neither really put themselves out there as an environmental leader or has a passion for the planet and environment.
Truss has also shown to be against the idea of onshore wind and solar farms, and in contrast has talked of squeezing more production from the North Sea and licensing new oil and gas fields. The problem also stems from the Conservative Party itself, who advocate environmental deregulation and new gas, oil and coal extraction, all of which will do very little to tackle the current energy crisis.
Regardless of your political allegiances, it’s about time the government recognised that the health of the economy and peoples wellbeing are heavily linked to the health of the environment! Measures such as increasing home insulation and reducing barriers that are holding back onshore wind and solar energy are key. New coalmines and more oil and gas extraction aren’t the answer to everything!
It’s time to take matters into your own hands!