Broccoli, apples, grapes, cucumber… our remanufactured toner cartridges. Just a few things that are good for you! Although we don’t recommend eating the latter.
Today’s society has a green approach towards anything and everything – in fact, it isn’t just an approach, its an expectation, and there are no exceptions for businesses – particularly those that operate under the public eye.
Whether it’s through your low-emission vehicles or zero to landfill production plants, “going green” has become a thing of necessity for the modern world. How, and if you go green can be the deciding factor of whether customers and clients will buy or use your products and ultimately affect whether you have a business for the long term, or not.
Here are some green initiatives for you and your company to take on board.
Our green initiative is all about recycling and preventing further damage to the planet and environment. Forget about whether it is a legal requirement or not (is it) – it is your duty to look after the world that you live in and to do everything in your power to make it a greener place.
By providing an award winning recycling scheme to our Partners, we’re doing our part to help remove potentially harmful and toxic substances from being sent to landfill. Our recycling scheme helps to tackle the statistic ‘only 15% of toner cartridges are recycled, the rest are sent to landfill’. We want to make a difference and you can too.